A couple of stories about London-based landlords have caught our eye this week: One talks about a
landlord being fined over £12,000 for breach of fire safety laws in an unlicensed HMO property. The other features a
landlord being jailed over the faulty installation of a boiler, leading to several leaks. The boiler eventually had to be disconnected and sealed off by the National Grid.
Whilst you may think these are stand-alone examples of rogue landlords, breaching regulation is easier than many private, self-managing landlords believe. In most cases, there is no malice behind the breach - it's a simple lack of information, both from the tenant and the landlord.

Letting and managing your own property may not be rocket science, but it does require time and the ability to stay on top of new laws and regulations. In Scotland, landlords need to be registered with the local council. The individual properties
require gas safety certificates and PAT tests, with HMO properties having to fulfill further criteria.
All of this comes before advertising a property, managing viewings, completing a tenancy agreement, collecting deposits and placing them into one of the tenancy deposit schemes approved by the Scottish Government. We're not keen on scaremongering, but with all the work involved, it's easy to see why using a professional lettings agent makes sense.
As a first-time - and maybe even a 'reluctant' - landlord, you may wonder about the costs, but the amount of hassle and time saved make up for it in the long run.
At the moment, our team manages around 400 properties across the city of Edinburgh, and our tenants are a mixture of students and professionals. Some of our landlords own one property, some rent out a larger number. All of our clients, landlords, tenants and investors, benefit from our industry knowledge, giving them the peace of mind to know they won't be the next landlord in the dock.